Australian Standards

Australian Standards set out specifications and design procedures to ensure products and services consistently perform safely, reliably, and the way they're int

Learning resources

An online educational program developed for senior high school students, young workers entering the workforce on work placement, work experience, or school-base


Listen to our podcasts and share health and safety knowledge with others in your workplace.


WorkSafe has produced the following health and safety posters which can be displayed in your workplace.

Safe Work Australia guidance

Safe Work Australia (SWA) supports the Commonwealth, state and territory governments by developing WHS guidance material for use by PCBUs and workers.

Toolbox presentations

Our collection of PowerPoint presentations is available to use in your workplace or if you want to revisit a workshop you attended.


Check out WorkSafe’s range of videos.

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List of various magazines produced by WorkSafe.

WorkSafe Media Statement Digest

To make it easier to keep up with news from WorkSafe you can now subscribe to a daily digest of our media releases.